Hire the right freelancers to keep growing your business

We believe SMEs deserve a faster, more efficient and cost effective option to connect with the talent they need. We are building it.

Search for Hoplancers by the skills you need

These are some common services (click to add)

Or request a service and we'll find the right freelancer for you.

This is why SMEs love us

Hoplance is a curated network of more than 20,000 skilled freelancers ready to work on challenging projects.

No service fees

No extra costs for clients. We remunerate our service by taking a 10% cut on the money you pay to our hoplancers.

Total control

Stay in control of the whole project process - from procurement to payment. We can also integrate with your existing systems.

Free consultation

Not sure what you are after? let us help you define the scope of your project and find the freelancers you need.

Flexible and scalable

Get the flexibility you need. Scale your startup team up (or down) without additional costs or delays.

Hoplancers in the spotlight

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Software Architect, Developer, Speaker, Author and Mentor

"Twenty-year industry veteran with numerous books, articles and conferences."



Consultant & Software Engineer

"Technical lead for the third largest WPMU site in the world."



Independent Mobile, Web, Hybrid, NodeJS Developer

"Adal has been developing Mobile Apps, Backends and Frontends for 10 years"



Experienced UI/UX Designer & Consultant

"Experienced UI/UX Designer & Consultant"

How it works

Growing a business is difficult. Freelancers on Hoplance provide you with the skills and tools you need to take your business to the next level.


Use our search tool

Use our talent search tool - filtering by geography or other - to find the freelancer you need with the appropriate experience and connect with them directly.


Let us help you

Or simply tell us what you need by posting a new project request. It takes 2 minutes. We'll put you in contact with short-listed relevant freelancers.


You manage the payments

Pay safely per hour or per milestone depending on agreed terms (rates, start date, deliverables, approach etc.) and according to scheduled goals.


Create your team

Leave feedback and reviews. Save freelancers to your Hoplance Team for future projects. Develop lasting relationships.

Hoplance is all about customer support

Please contact us if you need guidance scoping your project or defining the technology you need, or any other question you may have.

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