All the advantages of a selected community
Hoplance is a curated network of skilled freelancers and reputable clients.
Selected community
We select the clients we work with and we manually validate each freelancer on our platform to ensure quality.
No under-cutting
No more controversial bidding on price. We focus on reliable clients and we promote quality not price.
Diverse clients
You can work for large corporates or innovative startups - depending on your preferences.
Get paid on time
We help you increase your reputation (and rate) and we help you get paid on time.
How does it work?
We think that current solutions to find new projects are inefficient and too many intermediaries are poisoning the market. We are committed to changing this.
Validate your profile
Create your profile and set your preferences. You'll start receiving selected project opportunities as soon as your profile is validated.
Be invited to projects
We'll track, qualify and send opportunities that match your skills and availabilities to you. Each worth thousands of dollars.
Agree terms and get paid
Generate your invoice with our simple invoicing tool, and we'll make sure the client pays you on time.
Improve your reputation
Improve your reputation (and rate) by getting a feedback (you also leave a feedback to your client).
Hoplance service fees
We take a 10% cut on your remuneration with a client we have introduced to you.