Project details

Yachting spot finder

Company: Yachtingsbest

Period: 2015 - Current

Duration: 0.6 years (full-time equivalent)

  • JavaScript
  • Ruby
  • Web Development

The place to come when planning your next boating adventure. Its information base will not only facilitate trip preparations and planning, it will also stimulate ongoing destination discovery for the enjoyment of all aboard.

Its user-friendly map-based approach can be accessed on any device that is connected to the Internet, and whether using a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone, it gives a versatile, one-stop information site not seen before in the boating community.

Project pictures


About me

Profile mini
Oslo, Norway

Game/Web programmer

My skills

  • JavaScript
  • Java
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • C Language
  • C++
  • Web Development
  • C# Language
  • Game Programming
  • Game Development
  • Mathematics
  • Mobile App Development
  • Physics
  • Unity3D
  • Computational Physics

Endorse Dren's project

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All Dren's projects

  • Warcraft 2 clone (click to see)
    2011 - Current (10 weeks FTE)
    Client: Own Project
    Industry: Video Games
    • JavaScript

    The place to come when planning your next boating adventure. Its information base will not only facilitate trip preparations and planning, it will also stimulate ongoing destination discovery for the enjoyment of all aboard.

    Its user-friendly map-based approach can be accessed on any device that is connected to the Internet, and whether using a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone, it gives a versatile, one-stop information site not seen before in the boating community.

    3 pictures

  • Yachting spot finder (click to see)
    2015 - Current (0.6 years FTE)
    Client: Yachtingsbest
    Industry: Computing
    • JavaScript
    • Ruby
    • Web Development

    The place to come when planning your next boating adventure. Its information base will not only facilitate trip preparations and planning, it will also stimulate ongoing destination discovery for the enjoyment of all aboard.

    Its user-friendly map-based approach can be accessed on any device that is connected to the Internet, and whether using a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone, it gives a versatile, one-stop information site not seen before in the boating community.

    4 pictures

  • Web based development environment (click to see)
    2010 - Current (20 weeks FTE)
    Client: Own Project
    Industry: Computing
    • C Language
    • JavaScript
    • Python
    • Web Development

    The place to come when planning your next boating adventure. Its information base will not only facilitate trip preparations and planning, it will also stimulate ongoing destination discovery for the enjoyment of all aboard.

    Its user-friendly map-based approach can be accessed on any device that is connected to the Internet, and whether using a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone, it gives a versatile, one-stop information site not seen before in the boating community.

    4 pictures
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